
A GPS/GSM Stolen vehicle tracking system with Thatcham Cat. 6 Insurance Approval.

The Meta trak product is a waterproof unit suitable for both 12 and 24V vehicles.

Along with the basic pre-requisites of an insurance approved tracking system which include, tow-away, low battery and tamper alerts, the Meta Trak also provides a dedicated mobile app.

Uses: This product is an intelligent solution designed to strike a balance between the need to install a product that meets Thatcham Insurance criteria whilst simultaneously providing a vision based telematics solution suitable for multiple applications.

Benefits: The Meta Trak Category 6 Insurance Approved Tracking system is enhanced by the provision of a dedicated app designed to meet the demands of today’s driver and fleet manager providing the following alerts :

  • Tow-away alerts
  • Battery Low and disconnect alerts
  • Suitable for both 12 and 24 V vehicles
  • Low touch fleet management product

Click here to compare features with Meta Shield and Meta Trak 5.


The system is fully waterproof and suitable for both 12 and 24V applications. The unit is incredibly small and has built in GPS and GSM antennas making it one of the easiest to hide deep within a vehicle whithout the risk of limiting the performance.