Powrtouch Motor Movers

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Powrtouch are the UK’s best selling caravan motor movers and it is easy to see why. With over 30 years of manufacturing experience, 20 of which have been in the design, manufacture and supply of caravan movers they have built a solid reputation. Their attention to detail and thorough quality testing of their products ensures the finest systems on the market which year on year out sell all other caravan mover suppliers.

We are proud suppliers and fitters of Powrtouch products

A Motor Mover is an electronic, motorised device that’s fitted to the chassis of the caravan, and enables you to precisely move the caravan by remote control.  A motor drives grooved rolllers attached to your wheels, which propel the caravan forward and enable it to turn in any direction tightly and precisely..

There are a range of different powered motor movers to suit every size/weight of caravan or storage situation. The heavier the caravan or the steeper the pitch/driveway the more powerful the motor needed to move. Single axle motors use rollers on two wheels, double axle motors work with rollers on all four wheels.

With a motor mover you can manoeuvre your caravan at the touch of a button for quicker parking even in the tightest of spots saving you time and your cars’ clutch! Take all the hard work out of your holiday, no more need for lugging the caravan by hand or struggling to reverse it into place, just unhitch and use the remote control to guide it into position so you can kick back and start enjoying your time away within minutes of arriving.

With a wide range to suit every caravan call us today to find the system for you and never struggle again to get your caravan into position.